Friday, March 30, 2007

Cancelled the date

So I get up prepared to meet "the" lunch date...the one I've been talking to who I scared off three years ago by telling him I fell head over heels in love with him on our first date (recall him from the Reality of Online Dating post). Anyway, I check into my online school program and find that I have COMPLETELY missed an exam due date totally. It was due yesterday and I haven't even started it. Luckily, there was a computer glitch yesterday which caused the instructor to send out an announcement saying we had ONE more day to complete the exam. TODAY. So I called the date up and cancelled.
Guess one more week won't matter before seeing if I remain in "love at first sight" with the date. Will update on that later.

Oh and to tonight's date...sorry I missed your call at 5 freakin 30 this morning. I had the cell phone off.


winterssoulstyce said...

i completely feel your pain. i scared a guy off by telling him that he needed to figure out what he wanted to do, be it physical or more. he got scared off and stopped calling, lol.

Robin said...

Ain't love grand?

Angel said...

oh god, I fell "in love" with my husband on the first date and look where it got me! ;) dirty cream of wheat pans!

I can't wait to hear what happens on this date!

Anonymous said...

this is from the 530 caller , yes I called to wake up sleeping beauty , to tell you how much I looked forward to our date , but alas you were sleeping soundly , just like sleeping beauty.
I so look forward to each and everytime that we can talk to each other on the phone , I enjoy it even more when I can put your hand into mine and I get to look into your beautiful eyes once more .
PS I really do enjoy pursuing you ............Robert

Robin said...

sweet talker you.